La Trobada Hotel Sport



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"Economic hotel with capacity for 80 people in downtown Ripoll"

Greenway - Via Verda Ruta del Ferro

Ripoll’s Greenway, connecting the Pyrenes to La Costa Brava, following old train tracks, starts at the same street as La Trobada Hotel Sport. It’s called “Iron and Coal Route”, and it’s because of the iron and coal mines, located in Ogassa –it’s the path the old train took in order to transport it to Barcelona–. There are 12km, accessible for bikes and pedestrian. It’s an easy path following Ter river, crossing the forest in some points, and it’s easy to follow and to immerse in nature.

  • Distance: 15 km
  • Accessible route
  • Inclinatio:  1%
  • Difficulty: easy
  • Pavement: asphalt
  • Highest point: 777 m (St. Joan Abadesses)
  • Lowest point: 682 m (Ripoll)

Road Bike

La Trobada Hotel Sport is a perfect base camp for lovers of road bikes. We are used to welcome road bike professional teams during Volta Catalunya, and we also have many cyclists visiting us, solos, with friends and with groups. Thanks to our strategic location, they can faced different mountain ports: Vallter 2000, Coll de La Creueta (one of the best catalan ports) or Coll de Canes.

We offer free, private and secure parking for bikes. For those who want to even sleep with the bike, we offer 3 rooms located at ground floor.

Mountain Bike

La Trobada Hotel Sport is surrounded by mountains, with lots of ancient and little paths that used to be the connection between towns, houses and neighborhoods. Nowadays, all these paths, many of them still without artificial pavements, make a perfect network for mountain biking.

We should say that, thanks to electric bikes, it’s possible to practice mountain bike although you have not an important training. 


For those who make long bike trips, bringing all necessary on the saddlebags, will find in La Trobada Hotel Sport a perfect place for recovery and prepare the next stage. We have secure bike parking, as well as space for clothes laundry and dryer.

Having bath at rivers and natural pools

Our topography creates many little waterfalls and small natural pools where we can have bath with good weather. We love our rivers and we will give recommendations according to your preferences. Some of them are “Molins de Vilardell”, in Ripoll; “Els 7 Gorgs”, in Campdevànol; “El Gorg de Malatosca”, in Sant Joan de les Abadesses.

La Trobada Hotel Sport with Kids

Our family hotel spirit is present in our hotel, and your kids will be happy with us! Our big living room will be a perfect place for playing, reading or even studying! Our environment it’s perfect in order to discover the forests and nature, and to make different excursions according to different possibilities. There are also some special plans for kids around us: Vall de Núria and MollóPark are just perfect family plans!


Our location in the middle of the Pyrenees is perfect for hiking. Just going out from La Trobada Hotel Sport we can recommend you nice top hikes, about 8-10km, or even long walk to Taga, Puigmal, Balandrau, Costabona, Gra de Fajol or Bastiments. We will be happy to give you some tips!

Touring / Cross / Trial with motorbike

La Trobada Hotel Sport is a perfect place to stop over your bike trip, as well as a good base point for touring along Catalunya, Andorra and France. Many bikers stay at La Trobada Hotel Sport when they are crossing all the Pyrenee to La Costa Brava.


The Portal of the Ripoll’s Monastery, popularly known as the ‘stone Bible’, is candidate to become part from UNESCO World Heritage, and is one of the main Romanic sets all over Catalunya.

Moreover, you will be able to visit a lot of different Romanic chapels and monasteries. Some of our preferred ones are ‘El Palau de l’Abadia’, in Sant Joan de les Abadesses; “Monestir de Sant Pere”, in Camprodon; “Santa Cecília”, in Molló and “Santa Magdalena” in Pardines.

Concerts, fests and fairs

In Ripoll and in our shire there are different concerts, festivals and fairs. We should talk about Inspira, La Fira de Les 40 hores, and all the local major festivals in different towns from the shire as well as specialized fairs of biscuits, honey, potato or cheese. We will keep you updated from all the events in town!


Check in & personalized attention:

Our front office is located at Passeig Honorat Vilamanyà 4, Ripoll (at 50m of distance).

Personalized attention. Every day, from 8:30 to 10:30 and 16:00 to 20:00. Sundays, from 8:00 to 11.00 and from 20:00 to 21:00. Outside these hours, the automatic reception cashier allows Check-in with prior reservation and without reservation 24 hours a day.

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